Position Letters

Position Letters

Position letters are formal written communications submitted to legislative bodies, such as a state legislature or to the Congress, to express support, opposition, or neutrality on proposed legislation or policies. These letters, often sent by individuals, organizations, or advocacy groups, outline specific concerns, arguments, or endorsements regarding a bill, providing legislators with insights into stakeholder perspectives. Position letters are a critical tool in the legislative process, helping to shape the debate, inform decision-making, and ensure that diverse voices are considered before a vote is taken.

The California Civil Liberties Advocacy (CCLA) has a proud history of advocacy, reflected in the numerous position letters we have written in support of or opposition to key legislation from 2014 to 2021. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, our office underwent a significant relocation, and some of our archived materials were stored on old servers that were removed in the process. As we work to locate and recover these files, we are committed to uploading our historical position letters to this page as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we meticulously piece together our archival records to ensure transparency and provide a comprehensive account of our advocacy efforts.

2015 Position Letters

2016 Position Letters

2017 Position Letters

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